My stomach hurts after taking adderall. what can i do to make it. What do the directions tell you regarding eating or not before or during taking the meds? Something light a such as soda crackers might be good if your stomach is.
Best Answer: I take adderall also. It never made my stomach hurt. Try eating a little before u take it...or a glass of milk. Maybe its not the adderall. My stomach hurts after taking adderall. what can i do to make it. Why do my teeth hurt after taking adderall. My lower back on the right side hurts and I do not. Answer: I take adderall also. It never made my stomach hurt. If i take adderall xr for adhd and it hurts my stomach is there. I haven t slept in 3 days adderall? Can you loose wait long term taking adderall? Adderall hurts my.
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Why do my teeth hurt after taking adderall
What to take when adderall hurts your stomach - If i take adderall.
i feel like ****. i cant sleep. and im so tired. my jaw hurts. my hands and feet are freezing. my stomach hurts. ive been taking it for 3 days.
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